AIIT Lab: Collaborative Project Work
Taiwanese Sign Language Recognition and Teaching Platform
An adaptive teaching platform for learning Taiwanese sign language, providing personal study advice to help students learn more efficiently.
Status: Completed
AI Anomaly Detection System for Police Firearm Clearing Procedures
A real-time monitoring system detecting irregularities in police officers' firearm clearing procedures, offering immediate alerts via voice reminders.
Status: Completed
Side Projects
AI-related Projects
TSL avatar generator
Generate TSL gestures image/video present by an avatar from human pose keypoints series.
Status: Paused
Shiny Detector
An AI-based tool designed to identify every shiny Pokemon displayed on the screen in real-time.
Status: Paused
Tool Projects
Cash Flow Tracker
A desktop application for tracking personal finances.
Status: Paused
To Do Reminder
A reminder to notice user their upcoming schedule.
Status: Paused
Instagram Updates Notifier
A small tool that checks for updates on specific Instagram accounts and notifies users through email.
Designed for personal use as an alternative, as the official Instagram notification feature often malfunctions.
Status: Completed
News Collector
Collecting news and topics with specific keywords from countries of interest on a daily basis, compiling the titles and links into an email, and sending it to the user.
Status: Completed
Game Projects
Battle of 13
A variant game derived from a poker game called Chinese poker, inspired by the mobile game "Reversal of Deck."

Number of players: 1~2
Developing in Unreal Engine.

Status: Paused
Card Fighter
An action game combining concepts from trading card games and roguelike games.

Number of player: 1
Will be developed in Unreal Engine.
Status: Initial Concept
Other Projects
A website-based showcase platform featuring basic AI concepts.
Used for personal review of machine learning expertise and frontend skills.

Built from vitesse, a template created by antfu.
Status: Paused
Last updated at 12:18 MAY 17, 2024 (UTC-04)
2022 - PRESENT © Chris Lam